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Last edited by tomhmagic · 2 months ago

Welcome to the TanukiCraft Wiki

Here you will find all the information about our server and useful information.

Here is some information to help get you started:

Our Survival world is a Towny/Economy server, you can either start a town or join one. Towns cost 3000 coins to start so you'll need to earn some money before you start one. While you earn money, you can either join a town until you have enough funds or use a campsite, a campsite is made by placing a campfire down, this protects 1 chunk. More about campsites HERE

The Survival world is split up into different worlds:

Towny World - This is the main towny overworld. 

Resource World - This is a small world with no build or mine preventions, to gather resources.

Resource Nether - The nether version of the Resource World

Resource End - This is linked and entered through the Resource World

--- Resource worlds reset ever last Friday of the month ---


The main towny world is protected in many ways, the space in between towns is called the Wild/Wilderness, there are only certain blocks you can place and mine, you can run /towny wildblocks to see what blocks you can place/break in the wild.

Last edited by tomhmagic · 2 months ago

The main feature of TanukiCraft is our survival server. Featuring the latest and custom-configured Towny plugin with additional features to keep players engaged and server communities grow.

Our survival server is what we call a "forever server", which means we will never do a reset. We want communities to start and thrive within survival.  To keep things fun and to give the ability for players to come together we have utilised a combination of plugins and configurations which include:

Towny - allowing players to start or join a town to build a community together whilst protecting each other's builds and items. This also protects the spaces between towns (the wild) from certain block place and breaking. Towny comes with a ton of different features and additions which will have their own information pages.

Resource World - A separate Overworld, Nether and The End, reset ever last Friday of the month, dedicated to gathering and exploring. This gives fresh biomes and resources for you to gather for your builds and features custom structures for you to discover. Keeping the main Towny World just about your towns. 

Custom Content - We are creating our own custom content from Mobs, Blocks and Items for you to collect and show off to other towns. 

Last edited by tomhmagic · 2 months ago

/bp - opens your backpack

/pay [name] [amount] - to send money to another player

/tm - opens town menu

/skills - views your skills and stats

/location - views your current plot information

/vote - shows you the voting sites and which ones you have voted on

/time - shows the current time until new tax day

/book - gives you the welcome book which has some useful information

Travel Commands

/spawn - warps to spawn

/warp - opens the warp menu, you can also run /warp [warp name] to warp directly to that location

/rw tp - teleports to the resource world (random location)

/hub - transfers to the hub

/tpa [player] - sends tp request to player0

/tpahere [player] - sends request for a player to tp to you, costs 50

/tpc - shortened /tpaccept which accepts a tpa/tpahere request

Chat Commands

/gc - joins general/global chat

/tc - joins town chat (talk to only the town you are in)

/nc - joins nation chat (talk to all the towns that are in your nation)

/al - joins alliance chat (talk to all the towns in your nation alliance)

/lc - joins local chat (talk to everyone within 100 block radius)

To mute a channel, use the channel command + mute, for example to mute general its /gcmute

To unmute, do the same with "unmute", for example to unmute general its /gcunmute

Last edited by tomhmagic · 2 months ago

Here are some edits we have made to the vanilla experience:

  • Stonecutters cause damage to players and mobs when stepped on
  • 9 stone/cobblestone can craft 1 deepslate/cobbled deepslate and vice versa
  • Raw ore blocks can be smelted into their full block part, for example, raw iron block can be smelted into an iron block
  • Horses max breed speed is higher
  • Dispensers with a tool in them will break the block that the tool is for. For example, a pickaxe in a dispenser then powered will break stone
  • Breaking crops with a hoe will replant the crop
  • Noteblocks are disabled due to our custom content
  • Custom structures in the resource worlds

Last edited by tomhmagic · 2 months ago

Towny is a manager for a Resident-Town-Nation hierarchy, as well as a block permission manager for a grid-like protection system. Each town has a Mayor, while a nation has a Leader. They both have their own assistants to help run their respective people. Players can also purchase land from the town, as well as an optional daily tax set by the mayor. The player can allow their friends from out of town to build on their land when even their very own town's people can't build if they so wish.

The basis of protection follows how the world is separated into chunks. The protection ignores the height and focuses on the x and z planes. The default size for grid squares is 16x16, similar to the chunk size. So claiming a “townblock” (a grid square) allows that section of land to follow your town's or the plot owner's permissions.

Each town can claim up to a certain amount of townblocks, a set ratio or amount relative to the amount of players taking residence in that town. Residents themselves have no limit on how many they claim, however the daily tax will take a bite out of their resources. The money is tunnelled to the town's bank account that only the mayor can withdraw from, except if the town belongs to a nation. Any town belonging to a nation may be required to pay the nation a daily upkeep as well.

Last edited by tomhmagic · 2 months ago

Here is information regarding different parts of Towny's hierarchy.



Nomads are simply players who are not part of any town.


Any player can join a town and they become a resident of that town. Residents have their own command /resident or /res which used by itself outputs a Resident Status Screen, displaying Money, Town, Plots owned and Friends. Residents can join towns or choose to start a town of their own.

Residents who join towns can claim plots that the Towny Leader of the town has set for sale. When a resident owns 1 or more plots, they will see a new line on their Resident Screen, showing plots owned and a default perm line showing the plot perms given on all plots that resident owns.


A town is a collection of residents (or just one resident) with one resident as the Towny Leader. A town also has a bank which the Towny Leader can withdraw from. A Towny Leader can also have assistants who have the same or similar powers as him/herself. Towns can have taxes that will be taken at the end of each day interval.

Towns usually grow outwards from their home block, the townblock the Towny Leader stood in during town creation. Townblocks need to be claimed beside other townblocks, unless the Towny Leader claims an outpost in the wilderness using /t claim outpost. Towns are limited of a max of 50 residents (level 10). If you are reaching that number, it is best to start looking into allies and nations.

Towny Leaders

Towny Leaders run towns and with the help of their assistants, manage a town and its residents. Towny Leaders can decide which ranks their residents fall into, in their town. This can be a Town Assistant, Helper, Sheriff, Ambassador or VIP.


Towny Leaders can set a list of Outlaws. Outlaws are set using /town outlaw [add/remove] [name]. Outlaws can be any player and do not have to be in a town or nation.

If the new outlaw is a member of a town, they will be kicked. Towns that have themselves set to open status can use the outlaw list to prevent these players from joining their town freely. Players cannot spawn to public towns which consider them outlaws.

Players that enter into a town where they are considered to be an outlaw will see a warning-title-message informing them. If a player is online and they are made into an Outlaw they will see a message in chat.

Outlaws can be jailed if they die in the town where they are considered to be an outlaw. It requires the town to own at least one jail plot and has to be killed by a Towny Leader, Assistant, Sheriff or Guard.


A nation is a collection of towns (or just one town) with one town as the capital. The Towny Leader of that capital is the nation leader. A nation can join the war event, as well as ally other nations. A nation also has its own bank. It can also tax the towns that belong to it.

Two nations can decide to join in an alliance, which allows them to be protected from friendly fire, help on each other’s plots (if the plot's perm line allows allies,) and to help each other in war.

Last edited by tomhmagic · 2 months ago

Town levels are controlled by resident count, once a town reaches the required resident count for the next level it will level up. If the resident count falls below the amount for the current level, the town will drop a level. Be aware that if you have claimed townblocks over the amount in your current level, you will get a penalty of 100 coins per plot per town day.

--- Table of data coming soon ---

Last edited by tomhmagic · 2 months ago

A Town Leader can decide what rank to give to a resident. Residents can have multiple ranks at the same time. These ranks come with different permissions so please give these ranks out responsibly.


Ranks can be given with the command: 

/town rank add [PlayerName] [RankName]

Or removed with:

/town rank remove [PlayerName] [RankName]

Town Leaders

Town Leaders run/own the towns, with the help of their assistants (if chosen), manage a town and its residents. Town Leaders can decide which ranks their residents fall into, in their town. You become a Town Leader by starting a town with /town new [town name]. Towns cost 2500 to start.

Town Assistants

Assistants assist the Town Leader in running the town, the rank should only be given to trusted players. 

Assistants receive the following permissions:

  • Exempt from tax
  • Claim new townblocks
  • Manage town invites
  • Manage all plots
  • Switch permissions in all plots
  • Add/Remove Inviter ranks from a resident
  • Can jail outlaws by killing them inside the town
  • Can set a player as an outlaw
  • Capture a capturesite
  • Fight in capturesite battles


A rank to give to important people that you want to be exempt from tax. VIPs have no other permissions.


Ambassadors can be given to trusted players to help manage allies for your nation. Ambassadors can manage all ally perms.


Builders can build and destroy in all town-owned plots that are not currently owned by a resident. Very useful for trusted players who a Town Leader wants to help build the communal areas.


Inviters can manage all invites. Useful for closed towns, give to trusted players.


Realtors can manage plots for the Town Leader. Useful rank to help expand the town and manage plots.

Realtor comes with the following permissions:

  • Plot set – ability to set the type of plot
  • Plot claim – claim new townblocks
  • Plot unclaim – remove townblocks
  • Plot notforsale – remove a plot from being sold
  • Plot forsale – put a plot up for sale


Sheriffs can assist with keeping the law within a town. 

The sheriff comes with the following permissions:

  • Send a resident to jail
  • Remove a prisoner from jail
  • See all prisoners with Jail List
  • Killing Outlaws sends them to jail
  • Able to add/remove Guard rank


Guards can assist the Sheriff with the following permissions:

  • Send a resident to jail
  • See all prisoners with Jail List
  • Killing Outlaws sends them to jail


Captains can manage Conquerors and Fighters, they can initiate a capturesite capture and fight in the battles.


Conquerors have the permission to start capturing a capturesite, they also are able to fight in the capturesite battles.


Fighters are able to fight in capturesite battles.

Last edited by tomhmagic · 2 months ago

Starting a Town

Town Leaders start towns using the command /town new [townname]. New towns cost 3000 coins to start.

The townblock they are standing in will be the home block for the town, the exact spot/position will be the spawn point for the town. A mayor can move the spawn point within the homeblock using /t set spawn. The homeblock can be moved to another claimed townblock using /t set homeblock.

More townblocks can be claimed using /town claim. These townblocks need to be directly adjacent to already claimed townblocks, unless it is an outpost.

Joining Towns

There are two ways to join towns, the first is by being invited by a Town Leader or a Town assistant. The second is by joining an open town.

Town Leaders and assistants can add players to their town with the command /t add [playername]. The player will receive a prompt to either /accept or /deny the invitation.

Town Leaders can set their towns to open using /town toggle open. A player who isn't in a town already can use the command /t join [townname] to join open towns. Open towns can be viewed using the /town list by open.

When residents join towns they increase the number of townblocks accessible to the mayor for claiming.

Last edited by tomhmagic · 2 months ago

Towny Capture Sites is developed by the developers of Towny and brings a load of fun PvP battles to TanukiCraft

Capture Sites

Capture Sites are converted Towns, which are fought over by players with Towns. A controlling town can receive an amount of money every hour. The default amount is 100, but different sites can give different amounts. You can view a list of CaptureSites using the /towny capturesites command.

A town that controls one or more Capture Sites will have a [CaptureSites] component to their town status screen, which has a list of Capture Sites controlled when you hover your mouse over it. You can view information about a specific Capture Site using the /t [SiteName] command.

Capture Sites can have a required minimum and maximum Town Level. By default they do not, but some can be a required min or max TownLevels, this information is displayed in the /t [SiteName] command, then in order for a town to initiate a capture battle, their town must be within the min and max settings. If a defending town has their Town Level drop above or below the requirement they will not receive the rewards, and they will award a no-contest win if another town attempts to capture the site. 

After a Town captures a CaptureSite (either via a battle, or no-contest,) there is a 1 hour cooldown before the Capture Site can be captured again. When a cooldown ends there is a global announcement.

Capture Site Battles

Capture Battles are started when a Town member with the correct rank uses /t capture while standing within a Capture Site, and that Capture Site has a defender.

The ranks that can start a capture are Town Leader, Assistant, Captain, Conqueror, you also must have one of these or the Fighter rank to participate in the battles. See Town Ranks for more information.

Once the command is used, that player's Town cannot use /t capture again for a 2 hours.

Battles last a 10 minutes  or until the Capture Site runs out of of HP. Capture Sites can have a dynamic HP, default is 50, but depending by how many attacking players are online vs defending players. If the attackers outweigh the defenders, the Site will have a higher HP and vice versa.


When a Battle starts, all members of the defending and attacking towns will receive two boss bars, one showing the remaining time, and one showing the Capture Site HP. Defending town members can use the /t defend to teleport to the capture site, if they hold multiple use /t defend SiteName]. There is a 20 second cooldown for reusing the command.

A Capture Sites's HP is altered by players standing within the Capture Site. Each Capture Site can be attacked/healed only from within the Home Block or from anywhere in the Capture Site depending on the particular Capture Site, the /t [SiteName] command will show this information. The HP is harmed when attackers outnumber the defenders. When defenders outnumber the attackers, the HP is healed.

If the HP stat goes down to 0, the attackers win. If the timer runs out, the defenders win. When a battle ends, there is an hour cooldown placed on the Capture Site. 

Last edited by tomhmagic · 2 months ago

Towny Capture Sites is developed by the developers of Towny and brings an option for new players and/or town-less players.

Towny Camps allows a town-less player to place down a campfire in the wilderness which will then "claim" a camp, providing them 1 plot for 48 hours.

Players that own the Camp can make a town at that location. Camps are protected from Build/Destroy/Switch/Itemuse. Camp owners can allow their friendlist to interact based on the owners perm line.

PVP, Explosion and Burning actions are prevented in camps.

If you make a camp, make sure you create a home with /sethome to be able to get back to your camp

Camps are removed when:

  • the campfire is broken
  • the player joins or makes a town

Last edited by tomhmagic · 2 months ago
  • map - Shows the towny map.
    • hud - Activates the map in the player's scoreboard.
  • prices -  Shows taxes/costs associated with running a town.
  • itemuse - Shows the items in the item_use_ids list.
  • switches - Shows the blocks in the switch_ids list
  • time - Shows time until next new-day (tax/upkeep collection.)
  • top
    • residents {all/town/nation} - Shows top residents.
    • land {all/resident/town} - Shows top land owners.
  • wildsblocks - Shows the blocks that are usable in wilds plots, and which are allowed to be farmed in the wilderness.
  • allowedblocks - Opens a menu where you can check what blocks might be allowed to be built/destroyed in

Last edited by tomhmagic · 2 months ago

Aliases:  /t

Shows a player their town's town screen.

  • ? - Shows /town commands available.
  • [town] - Shows a player another town's town screen.
  • here - Shows you the town screen of the town in which you stand.
  • leave - Leaves a town.
  • plots [townname] - Shows a helpful list of plots and their types/revenue which are owned by the town.
  • new [townname] - Creates a new town.
  • add [resident] Town Leader command to add residents to your town.
  • kick [resident] - Town Leader command to remove residents from your town.
  • rank [add|remove] [playername] [rankname] - Grants or removes a rank to a resident of the town.
  • invite - Show a list of players who've been sent invites to your town.
    • sent - Show a list of players who've been sent invites to your town.
    • received - Show a list of invites your town has received from nations.
    • accept [nationname] - Accept an invite to join a nation.
    • deny [nationname] - Deny an invite to join a nation.
    • [playername] - Send an invite to a player to join your town.
  • spawn - Teleports you to your town's spawn.
  • spawn [town] - Teleports you to another town's spawn.
  • claim - Town Leader command to claim the townblock in which you stand for your town.
  • list
    • by name [page #] - order alphabetically.
    • by resident [page #] - order by town with most residents.
    • by balance [page #] - order by town with the highest nation bank balance.
    • by townblocks [page #] - order towns by how many townblocks they have claimed.
    • by online [page #] - order by how many players are online at that moment.
    • by open [page #] - lists open towns first, in order of most residents to least residents.
    • by public [page #] - lists public towns first, in order of most residents to least residents.
    • by ruined [page #] - lists ruined towns first, in order of most residents to least residents.
    • by bankrupt [page #] - lists bankrupt towns first, in order of most residents to least residents.
    • by founded [page #] - order by founded date, oldest first.
  • online - Shows players in your town which are online.
  • outpost <#|[name]|[name:#] - Claims an outpost for your town. [name] uses the plot name. [name:#] is used when a plot name begins with a number.
  • [# (radius around current position)] - Claims an area of townblocks around you for your town.
  • auto - Claims as many townblocks around you as is possible given money in townbank and available townblocks.
  • unclaim - Town Leader command to unclaim the townblock in which you stand.
    • all - Town Leader command to unclaim all townblocks.
    • [# (radius around current position)] - Command to unclaim an area of townblocks around you.
    • outpost - Used to unclaim glitched outposts on MySQL Towny servers pre-
  • withdraw
    • [$] - Removes money from town bank.
  • deposit
    • [$] - Adds money from player to the town bank.
    • all - Deposits all of your money into the town bank.
    • [$] [townname] - Deposits money from player into the specified town's bank.
  • baltop [townname] - Opens a book displaying the richest players in a town.
  • bankhistory [#] - Opens a book GUI with # number of transactions listed, showing the town bank history.
  • buy
    • bonus [amount] - Buys available bonus townblocks.
  • allylist [townname] - Displays a list of allies for the Town.
  • enemylist [townname] - Displays a list of enemies for the Town.
  • merge [town name] - [town name] is the town which will be merged into the town owned by the Town Leader using the command.
  • outlawlist [town] - Displays a list of outlaws for a town.
  • outlaw [add/remove] [name] - Adds or removes an outlaw from a town's outlaw list
  • outpost
    • [# (where # equals the corresponding outpost's number)] - Teleports to an outpost.
    • [list] - lists your town's outposts.
  • plotgrouplist [townname] [page #] - Lists a town's plotgroups with forsale and price indicated.
  • purge [days] - Kicks residents from the town who have been inactive for the given number of days, exempts npcs and Town Leaders.
  • ranklist [townname] - Displays residents and their ranks, optional townname to view another town's rank list.
  • reclaim - allows a resident to reclaim their ruined town.
  • reslist [townname] - See a FULL list of all residents in a town.
  • say [msg] - Broadcast a message to online town members.
  • set
    • board
    • [message] - Sets message seen by residents upon logging in.
    • none - Sets an empty board which will not be seen on login or in the /town status screen.
    • Town Leader [resident] - Town Leader command to give Town Leader status to another resident.
    • homeblock - Sets the homeblock and spawn of your town.
    • spawn - Sets the town spawn, must be done inside the homeblock.
    • spawncost - Set the cost of spawning to a public town. Doesn't affect town residents, nation members and nation-allies.
    • mapcolor [color] - Sets a town's mapcolor seen in the dynmap.
    • name [name] - Change your town's name.
    • outpost - Resets the outpost's spawn point to the player location. Must be used in an existing outpost plot.
    • perm
    • [on/off] - Edits the perm line on the town screen. See here for details.
    • [resident/ally/outsider] [on/off]
    • [build/destroy/switch/itemuse] [on/off]
    • [resident/ally/outsider] [build/destroy/switch/itemuse] [on/off]
    • reset - This takes the perm line seen in the /town screen and applies it to all plots owned by the town.
  • tag [upto4character] - Sets the town's tag, which is sometimes used on that chat line.
    • clear - Clears the tag set for the town.
  • taxes [$] - Sets taxes collected from each resident daily. Also sets percentage if taxpercent is toggled on.
  • taxpercentcap [$] - The maximum amount that can be taken when taxpercent is enabled.
  • plottax [$] - Set taxes collected from each resident daily, per plot that they own.
  • plotprice [$] - Sets default cost of plot for the town.
  • shopprice [$] - Sets default cost of a shopplot for the town.
  • shoptax [$] - Set taxes collected from each resident daily, per shopplot that they own.
  • embassyprice [$] - Sets default cost of a embassy plot for the town.
  • embassytax [$] - Set taxes collected from each resident daily, per embassy plot that they own.
  • title [name] [titlegoeshere] - Town Leader command to add a Title to a member of the town.
  • title [name] - Town Leader command to remove a Title from a member of the town.
  • surname [name] [surnamegoeshere] - Town Leader command to add a Suffix to a member of the town.
  • surname [name] - Town Leader command to remove a Suffix from a member of the town.
  • primaryjail - Sets your town's primary jail.
  • Toggle
    • explosion - Turn on/off explosions in town.
    • fire - Turn on/off firespread in town.
    • mobs - Turn on/off hostile mobspawning in town.
    • public - Turn on/off public /town spawning and the co-ordinates of the town's homeblock in the /town screen.
    • pvp - Turn on/off pvp in town.
    • taxpercent - Turn on/off taxing by percent/flatrate.
    • nationzone - Turn on/off the town's NationZone.
    • open - Turn on/off public joining to your town.
    • takeoverclaim - Used by a Town Leader to take over land from an overclaimed town, when overclaiming is allowed in the config.
    • join [townname] - Command to join a town that doesn't require invites.
  • jail
    • list - Shows jail number, name, coord, cellcount and which jail is the primary jail.
    • [name] - Jails the given player for 1 hour, must be a resident of your own town.
    • [name] [hours] - Jails the given player for the given hours.
    • [name] [hours] [jail] - Jails the given player for the given hours, in the given jail plot (which is a number.)
    • [name] [hours] [jail] [cell] - Jails the given player for the given hours, in the given jail plot and jail cell (which are both numbers.)
    • unjail [name] - Unjails someone in your town's jail.
  • trust
    • add [name] - Adds a player as Trusted to the entire town.
    • remove [name] - Removes a player from being Trusted by the entire town.
    • list - Displays a list of trusted players for the town.
  • trusttown
    • add [townname] - Adds an entire town as trusted in your town.
    • remove [townname] - Removes an entire town as trusted in your town.
    • list - Displays a list of trusted towns in your town.Shows a player their town's town screen.

Last edited by tomhmagic · 2 months ago

Aliases: /r /p

Shows a player their resident screen.

  • ? - Shows /res commands available.
  • [resident] - Shows a player another player's resident screen.
  • friend
    • add [resident] - Resident adds online player to their friends list.
    • add+ [resident] - Resident adds offline player to their friends list.
    • remove [resident] - Resident removes online player from their friends list.
    • remove+ [resident] - Resident removes offline player from their friends list.
    • clearlist - Removes all friends from a resident's friend list.
    • list - Returns a list of your friends.
  • jail paybail - Allows a player to pay to get out of jail. Funds go to the town which owns the Jail.
  • spawn - If deny_bed_use: true and player has a current bed spawn, command will teleport player to their bed.
  • list - Lists residents in towny's data folder who are online.
  • toggle
    • map - Turns on map which refreshes when moving across plot borders.
    • townclaim - Turns on mode where /town claim is automatically used when moving across plot borders.
    • plotborder - Turns on smokey plot-border view. Border shows when players cross to different townblocks.
    • constantplotborder - Turns on smokey plot-border view. Border doesn't disappear.
    • bordertitles - Turns on/off the Title messages seen when entering/leaving town, when using_titles is true in the config.
    • ignoreplots - Turns on/off plot notifications in town.
    • reset - This turns off all modes that are active.
  • set
    • perm
      • [on/off] - Edits the perm line on the resident screen. See here for details.
      • [friend/ally/outsider] [on/off]
      • [build/destroy/switch/itemuse] [on/off]
      • [friend/ally/outsider] [build/destroy/switch/itemuse] [on/off]
      • reset - This takes the perm line seen in the /resident screen and applies it to all plots personally owned by the player typing it.
  • tax [resname] - Shows taxes a player pays.

Last edited by tomhmagic · 2 months ago
  • claim  - Resident command to personally claims a plot that are for sale
  • unclaim - this will remove you from your plot
    • trust - This will add your friend to your plot
    • add [name] - Adds a player as Trusted on the plot.
  • remove [name] - Removes a player from being Trusted on the plot.
  • perm - Shows the perm line of the plot in which the player stands.
    • gui - opens the GUI to configure the plot perm override.
    • add [name] - Adds a player to the plot perm override.
    • remove [name] - Removes a player from the plot perm override.
  • perm hud - Toggles on/off the plot perm hud scoreboard which shows the perm line of the plot in which the player stands along with more useful plot info.
    • set
    • reset - Sets a shop/embassy/arena/wilds plot back to a normal plot.
    • shop - Sets a plot to a shop plot.
    • embassy - Sets a plot to an embassy plot.
    • arena - Sets a plot to an arena plot.
    • wilds - Sets a plot to a wilds plot.
    • inn - Set a plot to an inn plot.
    • jail - Set a plot to an jail plot.
    • farm - Set a plot to a farm plot.
    • bank - Set a plot to a bank plot.
    • outpost - Set a plot to an outpost plot, costs the same as /t claim outpost.
    • name - allows a mayor or plot-owner to rename plots they own, overwriting the ~Unowned message. Personal-plots display both the plot's given name and the name of the plot-owner.
    • perm
      • [on/off] - Edits the perm line of the single plot in which the player is standing. See here for details.
      • [resident/ally/outsider] [on/off]
      • [build/destroy/switch/itemuse] [on/off]
      • [resident/ally/outsider] [build/destroy/switch/itemuse] [on/off]
      • reset - Resets the plot in which you stand to the default perm line of the /town or /resident screen (depending on if the plot is owned personally or by the town.)
    • minjoindays
      • {#] - Sets the # of days, or removes the minjoindays amount when clear is used.
      • clear - Removes the minjoindays requirement.
    • maxjoindays
      • {#] - Sets the # of days, or removes the maxjoindays amount when clear is used.
      • clear - Removes the maxjoindays requirement
  • toggle
    • fire - Turn on/off firespread in the plot in which you stand.
    • pvp - Turn on/off pvp in the plot in which you stand.
    • explosion - Turn on/off explosions in the plot in which you stand.
    • mob - Turn on/off hostile mobspawning in the plot in which you stand.

Last edited by tomhmagic · 2 months ago

Continuous Playtime

Every hour - 10 coins and a heal

Every 5 hours - 1 Standard Crate Key

Every 24 hours - 250 coins and 1 Advanced Crate Key


First hour - 20 coins

6 hours - 100 coins and 1 Standard Crate Key

12 hours - 150 coins and 2 Standard Crate Keys

24 hours - 200 coins and 1 Advanced Crate Key

7 days - 500 coins, 1 Standard Crate Key, and 2 Advanced Crate Keys

30 days - 1000 coins, 2 Standard Crate Keys, and 5 Advanced Crate Keys

Daily Rewards

Log in every day for at least 30 minutes to be able to claim a daily reward. /daily


  1. 10 Coins
  2. 50 Coins
  3. 1 Diamond
  4. 100 Coins
  5. 1 Petal
  6. 200 Coins
  7. 25% All Skills XP Multiplier for 1 hour
  8. 1 Mystery Enchant Book
  9. 250 Coins
  10. 2 Petals
  11. 300 Coins
  12. 10 XP Levels
  13. 50% All Skills XP Multiplier for 1 hour
  14. 1 Mending Book
  15. 1 Advanced Crate Key
  16. 1 Mystery Enchant Book
  17. 75% All Skills XP Multiplier for 1 hour
  18. 350 Coins
  19. 20 XP Levels
  20. 2 Advanced Crate Key
  21. 400 Coins
  22. 1 Advanced Mystery Enchant Book
  23. 30 XP Levels
  24. 450 Coins
  25. 2 Standard Crate Key 2 Advanced Crate Key
  26. 100% All Skills XP Multiplier for 1 hour
  27. 40 XP Levels
  28. 1 Elytra
  29. 500 Coins
  30. 5 Petals and 1 Mending Book

Last edited by tomhmagic · 2 months ago

You can use emoji's within chat on our server with :emoji_name:

  • angry 
  • blush
  • cold
  • confounded
  • confused
  • cool
  • cowboy
  • crazy
  • cross_eyed
  • cry
  • cute
  • devil
  • dizzy
  • drool
  • eye
  • eye_roll
  • eyes
  • geek
  • grimacing
  • grin
  • happy
  • head_explode
  • heart
  • heart_eyes
  • hot
  • injury
  • joy
  • kiss
  • laugh
  • lie
  • lol
  • nerd
  • neutral
  • no_face
  • pensive
  • poop
  • rage
  • relieved
  • rich
  • shock
  • shocked
  • sick
  • skull
  • sleep
  • smile
  • smirk
  • sob
  • star_struck
  • swear
  • sweat
  • sweat_smile
  • tear
  • thumbs_down
  • thumbs_up
  • tired
  • tongue
  • tongue_laugh
  • upside_down
  • uwu
  • vomit
  • weary
  • wink
  • yum