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Version: Velocity 1.7.2-1.21.4
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TanukiCraft Server Rules

Here you will find all rules for the TanukiCraft Server and Website. 

Adherence to the rules is compulsory, by connecting to the TanukiCraft server, joining the Discord or using this website you agree to follow the rules. A lack of knowledge of the rules is not an excuse to break them, feel free to open a support ticket or talk to us on Discord if you do not understand or want further clarification of our rules. We may update the rules at any point without notice, it is your responsibility to keep up to date with new rule changes, however, we will endeavour to announce key changes in the rules. The top of each rules section will show the date it was last updated to help you keep track of changes.


If you feel a player and/or website user has broken a rule, you have been banned and would like to appeal, or have a general/payment support request. Please use the following links below.

Chat Usage

Last Update: Initial rules, no update.

Our chat usage rules apply to any form of communication with another server member, whether on the Minecraft server, Discord server, or this website. In most cases, we use custom chat filtering to assist our moderators. Chat is logged across our servers/sites either through console logs, moderation log channels, or our site history.

  • No swearing
  • No discrimination of any kind - we have zero tolerance for hate speech
  • No overly political or religious topics
  • No spamming or unnecessary use of uppercase
  • No arguing
  • No trolling or any form of intentionally misleading other users
  • No advertising (this includes other servers)
  • Do not share any personal information or ask others for their personal information
    • Support staff may ask for information if they are helping with a support request. We will only ask for this information via this site in your support ticket. We will never ask for your information via Discord DM

Player Customisation

Last Update: Initial rules, no update.

  • No inappropriate skins, or skins that depict discriminatory or political imagery or figures
  • No invisible skins, or skins that are too big, too small, or too transparent
  • No inappropriate Names/Nicknames/Item Names
  • We do not allow usernames with derogatory or offensive terms, hate speech or swear words. Users who do not change these when asked will be issued with a punishment.
  • No impersonating staff and/or other players
  • Changing your nickname to pretend to be someone else or to bully, harass or attack someone else will result in punishment.​

Towny/Survival Rules

Last Update: Initial rules, no update.

General Gameplay

  1. No greifing or building obscene structures
  2. This includes, but is not limited to, lava casting, mass fires, large craters, and mass destruction of terrain for no reason - these are allowed in the resource worlds only
  3. Do not attempt to make traps of any kind on any involuntary player. 
  4. This includes attempting to teleport a player into lava/a fall with malicious intention or teleporting a player into a PvP zone in an attempt to kill them
  5. Do not build overly complex redstone machines that cause lag
  6. Always include an off switch.
  7. Only have the machine running when in use.
  8. If you have any concerns about a design you want to build, please reach out to us.
  9. No stealing
  10. Containers that are left unprotected are considered fair game, please read towny specific rules below regarding town permissions. If in doubt, use /lock.
  11. Being trusted in a plot/town or having a rank that allows you to open protected containers does not deem that container fair game.
  12. Do not scam other players for their money or goods. This includes: 
  13. Making false sales.
  14. Renaming items to impersonate other items with more worth with the intent to trick people.
  15. Not paying/trading for an item that was agreed upon.
  16. Not paying someone when agreed to do so for their time or actions. (for example building something for someone)
  17. Do not intentionally break the economy, This includes:
  18. Constantly giving away items for free that other members are trying to make money from.
  19. Selling items at such a low level no one can compete (competition is fine, but keep it reasonable)
  20. Do not use anything that can give you an unfair advantage. 
  21. This includes, but is not limited to, auto-clicking or taping down your mouse/keys, x-ray, baritone, fly hacks, killaura/mobaura etc. Refer to the Allowed Mods list, and if yours isn’t listed, ask a staff member or create a ticket before using it.
  22. If you find glitches or bugs, do not abuse them, report them immediately, gains from glitch or bug abuse may result in a player wipe.
  23. No afk farming
  24. Do not attempt to bypass the afk feature
  25. Afking in general is allowed and you won’t be kicked, however, you will be taken to an afk room.
  26. You can place yourself into afk with /afk



  1. PvP is optional if you avoid PvP-enabled areas.
  2. PvP-enabled areas are marked by (PVP) in the boss bar. You can also do /location
  3. General PvP-enabled areas are, capture sites, the wild, PvP arenas, PvP-enabled plots or towns and towns that are in an active war.
  4. The spawn island is marked as PvP however PvP protection is enabled.
  5. It is your responsibility to ensure you are not in a PvP-enabled area. 
  6. If you are in a PvP-enabled area then you auto consent to PvP.
  7. You cannot bait or trick someone into a PvP-enabled area.
  8. Do not use teleportation commands to evade PvP. 
  9. If an attack/fight has started (option to receive notice of start/end pvp with /warnpvp) you cannot use any form of teleporting away from the immediate area until either, pvp has stopped, or you have evaded pvp for a few minutes.
  10. Do not log off or switch servers on purpose to evade pvp.


Towny Specific Rules

These rules are for Town/Nation Leaders and Residents (every player). Town/Nation owners are responsible for adhering to all rules, breaking the rules may result in your town being transferred or deleted especially if you are banned.

General Towny

  • Do not set any homes or warps in a town that isn’t your own
  • Unless you have written permission or you can get permission when asked for it by a staff member. 
  • If the person who permitted you to set that home changes their mind, you must remove the home or warp. 
  • Homes must be set 50 blocks away or more from a town without permission
  • Do not abuse your town permissions, This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Stealing from residents or accessing their plots without permission
  • Purposefully making the town fall or go into ruin
  • Greatly increasing tax with no prior notice
  • Kicking players from your town for no reason (no activity for a month is generally fine if they haven’t been notified, if not wait for the auto 2-month purge. We may be able to help with a town review on request to advise on what to do)
  • Losing a plot due to tax is given back to the town, the town can then do what they wish with the plot.
  • Towns that fall to ruin lose protection and are subject to looting.
  • Do not intentionally interfere with a town’s expansion or design. This includes, but is not limited to:
  • Joining a town or convincing someone to trust you in their plot/town with the intention of grief.
  • Destroying pre-made houses without permission.
  • Ring claiming another town, or purposefully destroying the outskirts of a town.
  • Do not spam invites or send invites to players who have not shown interest in joining your town
  • Talk to players first and if they want to join your town then send an invite. 
  • Respect player's choices if they don’t want to join.
  • Do not constantly harras someone who has said they do not want to join
  • If you want to grow your town, we suggest having it as an open status so players can join without an invite. Or join the Discord and set up a town post.

Town rules

  • Towns can have their own rules, these rules cannot conflict with or violate the official TanukiCraft rules.
  • Town rules must be sensible, kicking players from towns for unreasonable rules may result in punishment.
  • If you want to enforce town rules they must be clearly displayed in your town spawn.
  • Attempt to escalate your town rules using methods such as fines and jails before kicking. Fines must be within reason and clearly displayed on your rules.
  • Players breaking town rules will not receive server punishments unless they have broken an official server rule.
  • Many players like to have build rules in their town to keep to a theme. Do not change the theme drastically after a lot of builds have been made without the agreement of the majority of the town. (for example, starting with medieval then a few months of building suddenly want modern). 

Town Ranks and Plot Trusting

  1. Be responsible for who you trust in either a town rank or town/plot.
  2. Only add ranks or trust players your trust.
  3. Abuse of rank permissions is punishable.
  4. Abuse of trust may be reported, however, we will take each report on a case-by-case basis, and only severe abuse will be punished. For example, if you trust a player in your plot to work together and they use diamonds to make some armour to help, they may have not stolen. We reserve the right to close any report.
  5. Plot and town trusts only extend to the player that trusted you, if you have a town trust you can only gain access to areas which the town owns and is not owned by another resident.
  6. Town and Plot trust only applies to the account it was given to, if trusting alt accounts this must be done per account.
  7. Leaving a town or plot you forfeit anything left in your plots. If you want to move towns or plots then attempt to take as much as you can or get others to help. 

Website Rules

Last Update: Initial rules, no update.

All Chat Usage rules apply on all areas of the website. In addition to this, please avoid:

  • Excessive bumping (A bump post is a post that has no content and only serves to bring a thread up to the top of a category or avoid it being closed due to inactivity).
  • Necroposting (Replying to a forum thread that hasn't had any new posts in the last 3 weeks in an attempt to revive them).
  • Posting inappropriate content. This includes signatures, usernames, and profile sections.
  • Spamming applications (or threads).